Yoshika SEKINE, PhD
Department of Chemistry,
School of Science,
Tokai University
4-1-1 Kitakaname, Hiratsuka, Kanagawa, 259-1292 Japan
In assessments of human well-being, air pollution is one of the typical kinds or causes of human insecurity. However, pollution is something that cannot normally be seen until the appearance of severe impacts on human health, on ecosystems, on the global climate, and other valuable resources. Therefore, we have the responsibility to watch air quality changes by scientific means, and to try to control the air quality and related impacts by establishing policies for the environment. This laboratory is doing research, education and practice in the filed of environmental chemistry, in order to build a harmonized society among people, nature and materials. The main topics on the research is “Air quality watching”, including air quality monitoring, air pollution control and functional use of biogases.Research interests
1. Environmental analytical chemistry and forensics
- Trace elements in environmental samples
- Development of passive samplers for NOx, HCHO and VOCs
2. Catalyst for environmental pollution control
3. Air quality analysis and modeling
- Air dispersion/Mass balance/QSAR simulation
- Inter-disciplinary area studies for sustainable development in Asian countries
4. Functional uses of biogases
- Determination of gases emanating from human skin
- Influence of carbon dioxide on the flavor of plants
Acdemic position
Department of Chemistry, School of Science, Tokai University
Graduate School of Earth and Environmental Science, Tokai University
Graduate School of Science, Tokai University
Adjunct Professor
Graduate School of Media and Governance(SFC), Keio University
Membership of academic societies
Executive Editor of Indoor Environment, SIEJ
Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (SETAC)
Japan Society for Environmental Chemistry
Japan Society for Atmospheric Environment
Society of Indoor Environment, Japan (SIEJ)
Architectural Institute of Japan (AIJ)
2003 Technical Award of Japan Society for Environmental Chemistry for a paper entitled "Evaluation of solvent extraction type diffusion sampler for determination of VOCs in ambient air".
2003 Acdemic Award of Matsumame Shigeyoshi Memorial for a study on "Practical environmental studies on Sick-house syndrome"
2003/2004/2008 Teaching Award of Tokai University, selected by student rating of teaching
2008 Best Paper Award of Society of Indoor Environmnet, Japan
2010 Best Paper Award of Society of Indoor Environmnet, Japan
Educational profile
1989 Bsc awarded by Department of Applied Chemistry, Faculty of Science and Technology, Keio University
1991 MSc awarded by Graduate School of Science and Technology, Keio University.
1993 PhD awarded by Graduate School of Science, Tokai University for a thesis entitled "Study on urban air quality in East Asia based on chemical analysis of atmospheric aerosol components"
List of publication (selected)
- Sekine,Y., Toyooka,S., Watts, S. F., Determination of acetaldehyde and acetone emanating from human skin using a passive flux sampler-HPLC system, Journal of Chromatography B,859,201-207(2007)
- Onishi, M., Sekine, Y., Sugihara, K., Kitasaka, K., Shimajiri, H., A passive sampler for the determination of carbonyl compounds in indoor air employing O-(4-cyano-2-ethoxybenzyl) hydroxylamine as reactive adsorbent, Journal of Health Science,53(4),413-422(2007)
- Sekine, Y., Oikawa, D., Saitoh, K., Asano, Y.: Evaluation of passive sampler for measurement of glutaraldehyde in occupational indoor air, Journal of Health Science, 51(6),629-635(2005)
- Sekine,Y.: Oxidative decomposition of formaldehyde by metal oxides at room
temperature, Atmos. Environ.,36,5543-5547(2002) - Sekine,Y., Nishimura,A.:Removal of formaldehyde from indoor air by passive type
air-cleaning board, Atmos. Environ.,35,2001-2007 (2001) - Kishi,H. Sekine,Y.: Simple prediction of atmospheric concentration of hydrophilic
compounds based on the classification of industrial uses -A case study in Japan-, QSAR Comb. Sci. 22(3), 396-398 (2003) - Sekine,Y., Hirota,C., Butsugan,M.: Evaluation of solvent extraction type diffusion sampler for determination of VOCs in ambient air, J. Environ. Chem., 12(4), 847-854(2002)
- Sekine,Y., Butsugan,M., Usuki,H., Kitahara,T., Evaluation of the diffusive sampling device for the determination of formaldehyde in air, J. Environ. Chem., 11(3), 511-516(2001)
- Hashimoto,Y., Sekine.Y., Yang,Z.M., Yoshioka,K: Profound survival program of forests in Japan islands. A 40 year strategy for environmental conservation in inland China, Water,Air, and Soil Pollution, 130,1849-1854(2001)